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Hinged Vs. Sliding Door Wardrobes: The Advantages and Disadvantages

Door Wardrobes

When choosing a wardrobe for your home, deciding between hinged and sliding doors is a significant consideration. Both options have their unique advantages and disadvantages. This article explores the differences between hinged and sliding door wardrobes and provides insights into their pros and cons. Whether you prefer a traditional or modern look, understanding the features of each type will help you make an informed decision for your UK home.

Hinged Door Wardrobes

Hinged door wardrobes feature doors that are attached to the wardrobe using hinges. These doors swing open outwardly, allowing easy access to the contents within. They are a classic choice for many bedrooms.


  • Improved visibility of clothing: Hinged doors provide a full view of the wardrobe’s contents, making it easier to locate specific items.
  • Faster choices: With complete visibility, selecting outfits becomes quicker and more convenient.
  • Flexibility in the installation: Hinged door wardrobes can be tailored to fit under angled ceilings and stairs. They can also be fitted in corners, as the doors can be made to open at any angle.


  • Limited support for heavy mirrors: Hinged doors may not be able to support the weight of large, heavy mirrors.
  • Requires ample space: The swinging motion of hinged doors requires more space in front of the wardrobe for comfortable access.
  • Traditional aesthetic: Hinged door wardrobes are more suitable for rooms with a traditional design rather than modern ones.

Sliding Door Wardrobes

Sliding door wardrobes feature doors that glide horizontally on tracks, providing a sleek and contemporary look to any room.


  • Space-saving: Sliding doors do not require extra space for opening and closing, making them ideal for rooms with limited space.
  • Ample storage: The larger size of sliding door wardrobes allows for more storage space, accommodating a greater number of belongings.
  • The illusion of space: Mirrored sliding doors can create an illusion of a larger room, reflecting light and making the space feel more open.


  • Limited view of contents: Unlike hinged doors, sliding doors only reveal one section of the wardrobe at a time, making it harder to see the entire contents.
  • Best suited for small spaces: Sliding door wardrobes are especially suitable for smaller rooms or spaces with confined layouts.

Ultimately, the choice between hinged and sliding door wardrobes depends on your personal preferences and the specific requirements of your space. Consider the aesthetic appeal, functionality, and space limitations when making your decision.

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